Tri-Active UVRER / ANEMO technology

Photocatalytic / UVC air purifiers developed for arboricultural growers in cold room storage.

Air treatment

Increase profitability

  • Limit your stocks weight loss

      Ex: Gain 45,000 euros for 300 tons of apricots stored.

  • Quick and easy installation
  • Slow down the maturation process

      Ex: Increase from 3 to 4 weeks your storage capacity

Contaminated air

fléche rouge
abricot pourries

Degradation for products in a room not equipped with our air treatment solutions

Air purifiers

fléche bleu
Uv rer abricot

Products conservation in a room equipped with our air treatment solutions

  • Reduction of air contamination (molds, spores, mushrooms …)
  • Reduction of ethylene responsible of products accelerated maturation
  • Not disturbance for working staff.

Trust us with your project